Theresa Schinner

Theresa Schinner advises and defends both individuals and companies in white collar and criminal tax proceedings. She also works nationwide in the field of general criminal law.

During her law studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Ms Schinner focused on ‘Criminal Justice, Criminal Defence and Prevention’ and dealt intensively with issues of commercial criminal law. Ms Schinner broadened this knowledge during her legal clerkship, during which she worked exclusively in law firms specialising in criminal law.

During her training, Theresa Schinner completed a specialist foreign language course in English and took part in further training in rhetoric and negotiation management.


  • born 1995 in Nabburg
  • Studied law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
  • Legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Munich
  • Admitted to the bar since 2024
  • Memberships: German Bar Association (DAV), Criminal Law Working Group of the German Bar Association (ARGE Strafrecht), Munich Bar Association (MAV), Forum JUST and JuWiSt e.V.

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    Dr. Matthias Dominok, LL.M.

    (Commercial criminal law)

    Lawyer | Specialist lawyer for criminal law
    Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück

    Dr Matthias Dominok has been working exclusively as a criminal defence lawyer since 2007. He advises and defends individuals and companies in all areas of commercial and tax criminal law.

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    Frankfurt a.M:

    +49 69 7689 1199