Prof. Dr. Christian Fröba has been active in commercial and criminal tax law since the beginning of his career. He advises and defends individuals and companies, both nationally and internationally.
His areas of expertise also include defence and advice in connection with environmental offences, industrial accidents and major loss events.
He provides nationwide defence in criminal tax law, including in various cum/ex proceedings. He also provides criminal law advice and defence to managing directors and employees in the event of major loss events and industrial accidents. He also regularly represents managing directors, board members and members of supervisory bodies in connection with allegations of fraud, breach of trust and corruption.
In the JUVE Handbook of Commercial Law Firms 2021/2022, he is named as a frequently recommended lawyer advising/defending individuals in commercial criminal law and described as "forensically experienced" and "pragmatic, professionally top". In the previous year, he was already recommended as "goal-orientated, assertive" and "well networked, absolute team player".
Prof. Dr. Christian Fröba has been recommended by Focus every year since 2017 as a "top lawyer in the field of criminal law". He is also regularly recommended in the annual surveys of the Handelsblatt in cooperation with Best Lawyers and Wirtschaftswoche in the field of "Commercial Criminal Law".
- born 1977 in Traunstein
- Studied law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and the University of Bayreuth
- Doctorate at the University of Bayreuth on a criminal law topic
- admitted to the bar in 2007, working for Eckstein & Leitner, Eckstein & Kollegen, Fröba Dominok
- Specialist lawyer for criminal law since 2010
- Member of the legislative committee of the German Defence Lawyers' Association
- since 2016 Lecturer for Commercial Criminal Law at the University of Wismar
- Honorary professor at the University of Wismar since 2022
- Founding partner at Fröba Dominok Rechtsanwälte in Munich in 2022
Publications (selection):
- „Die niedrigen Voraussetzungen der Untreuestrafbarkeit bei Zahlung überhöhter Arbeitsentgelte an Mitglieder des Betriebsrats – zugleich eine Besprechung zu BGH, BeckRS 2023, 143“, ArbR 2023, 201 (gem. mit Krug)
- Practical commentary on the ruling OLG Frankfurt am Main v. 21.12.2020 - 3 Ws 852/20, NStZ 2021, 383
- „Verschleifungsverbot und Zweckverfehlungslehre beim Spenden- und Bettelbetrug – zugleich Anmerkung zu OLG München, Beschl. v. 11.11.2013, Az. 4StRR 184/13″, StraFo 2014, 500. (gem. mit Straube)
- „Strafbarkeit der Verwendung nicht zugelassener Ausgangsstoffe bei der Herstellung von Zytostatikarezepturen“, StraFo 2011, 344 (gem. mit Eckstein und Häser)
- „Rechtsschutz gegen die nachträgliche Anordnung molekular-genetischer Untersuchungen“, StraFo 2010, 483
- „Die Reichweite des § 129a StGB bei der Bekämpfung des transnationalen islamistischen Terrorismus“, Verlag Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2009
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