Dr. Christian Rathgeber has been advising and defending both individuals and companies in commercial and tax criminal proceedings since 2013.
His areas of specialisation include criminal corruption law, criminal capital market law, criminal cartel law and criminal foreign trade law. For example, he defended a managing director against allegations of anti-competitive agreements and several managers in connection with violations of the AMG, the AWG and the WpHG as well as in connection with "cum/ex allegations". As part of the "Wirecard complex", he was one of the criminal law advisors to an auditing company. In addition, Dr. Rathgeber regularly acts for civil servants and soldiers in connection with allegations of official offences and in official and judicial disciplinary proceedings.
His activities include preventive advice on new requirements in the corporate law environment (LkSG, HinSchG, etc.) as well as compliance training and advice on optimising internal company guidelines. He has also conducted and provided criminal law support for various internal investigations, including for globally active companies in the automotive, mechanical engineering and weapons electronics industries as well as a pan-European financial services provider.
Dr. Christian Rathgeber has been named a "Top Lawyer" in the areas of "White Collar Crime" and "Compliance" by Wirtschaftswoche for many years and is regularly recommended by Legal500 as a lawyer in the area of "White Collar Crime".
- born 1982 in Wiesbaden
- Studied law at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
- Doctorate in criminal law ("Criminal Compliance") at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
- Master's degree in administrative sciences from the University of Speyer
- Lawyer with Knierim & Kollegen since 2013
- Partner at Knierim & Kollegen since 2018
- Specialist lawyer for criminal law since 2023
Publications (selection):
- „Soldaten“, in: Krug/Gutman (Hrsg.), Defence in professional and disciplinary law (forthcoming)
- „6. Kapitel. Europäische Verfahrensvorschriften“, in: Adick/Bülte (Hrsg.), Handbuch Fiskalstrafrecht -Straftaten gegen staatliche Vermögenswerte, 2. Aufl. 2019
- „Private Arbeitnehmer sind keine Mitbewerber i.S.d. § 299 StGB“, Comment on the ruling of OLG Stuttgart v. 29.06.2015 - 4 Ws 232/15, ArbR 2016, 70.
- „Zweistufige Prüfung des Amtsträgerbegriffs bei Bestechung“, Anmerkung zum Beschluss des BGH v. 10.06.2015 - 1 StR 399/14, NZWist 2015, 359
- „Pflicht zur Einrichtung einer Compliance-Organisation“, Comment on the judgement of LG München I v.10.12.2013 - 5 HK O 1387/10, NZWist 2014, 192
- „Projekte der erneuerbaren Energien und ihre strafrechtlichen Risiken für Unternehmen“, BB2014, 2371 (gem. mit Krug)
- „Rückgewinnungshilfe und Insolvenzverfahren“, Comment on the judgement of OLG Nürnberg, Beschl. v.15.03.2013 - 2 Ws 561/12, 2 Ws 590/12, NZWiSt 2013, 306
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